Per Teljer

Per Teljer

Born 1970 in Gravarne ( AKA Kungshamn), Sweden 1970.
Educated at Academy of Fine Arts in Trondheim 1992 – 97.
Lives and works in Berlin, Germany and Oslo, Norway.

Per Teljer works in several disciplines: film / video, comics, drawing and painting. In recent years, however, painting and drawing have been the dominant disciplines. The main theme is the human darkness, the social game between people and the individual's incurable loneliness (and stupidity). Regardless of film, comics or painting, the work always balances between laughter and crying. A kind of grim humorous misanthropy.


Criticize, ironize, banalize, problematize, humorize, brutalize, demonize, demoralize, fantasize, destabilize, infantilize, paralyze, satirize, scandalize.
That’s the point of it all!